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  • The Swine Flu is Spreading!
  • Posted By:
  • Brian A
  • Posted On:
  • 29-Apr-2009
  • So on top of the lingering economy and other dreadful news, students now have to make strict accomodations for the swine flu. Students are asked to wear masks and not to kiss friends, relatives or romantic partners. They should also cough or sneeze into their sleeves and wash their hands thoroughly before eating or preparing a meal.


    At the campus of IUPUI, there is a high alert for the swine flu for the summer term and all contingencies are being covered. So far the swine flu has been confirmed in California, Kansas, New York, Texas and Ohio. In Indianapolis, the threat is high as the university has an exchange program with Central Mexico, where the flu began.


    Many students are just now arriving home from Mexico, or are about to leave for Mexico during the next few weeks, on the exchange. The precautions being taken are merely a new protocol in case something does arise and is a good measure. Mexico City is the epicentre of the swine flu epidemic which has taken 148 or more lives so far and the campus is taking no chances.


    The swine flu is spread to humans from the pigs by the same means as from human to human. Droplets of coughing or sneezing are spread when people do not cover their mouth and nose and these droplets, if they are infected, glom onto someone else within a 6 foot range. The flu presents with a high fever and all over weakness and should be looked after at the hospital or a clinic. Patients who are infected should be treated with Tamiflu, the best antibiotic we have so far. But there are limited amounts of this treatment and more has to be manufactured.


    If the swine flu spreads to the proportions which are quoted on several news programs and there is not enough Tamiflu to treat the patients, we could be facing a true pandemic.





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