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  • Time to focus on quality of education rather than on luxurious five star facilities at universities
  • Posted By:
  • Chris J
  • Posted On:
  • 21-May-2012
  • A recent Washington Times editorial pointed out to our highly dysfunctional K-12 education system that works towards forcing all students towards college irrespective of their capacity to pay, employability and ability.

    If you deeply analyse, you will find that the education system in Germany imparts strong apprenticeships and vocational training for students which is why this country is all set to survive the upcoming political and economic crisis. Only the motivated and bright students identified through a weeding process are sent to higher education.

    Our massive federal subsidies and our K-12 education system are absolutely dysfunctional. This in turn has led to a state where our university systems are bad investments. Today’s university campuses do not even have a faint echo of what campuses were fifty years ago. 

    Most of our universities have sports stadiums that rival Olympic sports centers. Check out the student accommodation that is better than any luxury hotel room. College canteens are no more humble abodes that satisfy appetites. They are gourmet food emporiums.

    Deans are appointed by universities are paid huge salaries. They however do not add anything significant to the education quality. Ask any university president and they will tell you how their salaries are at par with any CEO. There is nothing academic about the Madison Avenue type marketing and recruitment departments in colleges.

    This misinvestment is different from what happened to the housing market again due to federal intervention. Thousands of students are saddled with huge debts and are stranded with skills that do not match real economy.  It is very clear that present political power and money is being safeguarded by sacrificing future generations by the entitlement state.

    It is time for us to sit up, take stock and overhaul our education system if we wish to turn around our economic situation. In order to stand tall once again amidst global competition, it is imperative for us to revamp our education system and focus on high values such as quality and commitment rather than on indiscriminate spending.

    For universities, focus must once again shift to getting expert teachers which is of course possible only by spending dollars on their salaries rather than on impressing students with five star campus facilities.

    Federal intervention must be toned down and colleges and universities must be encouraged to work out their own progress modules. It is time for students to choose colleges with discretion based not on the facilities they offer but on the quality of education. After all, the loan they take must be worth the sacrifice.

    Students must be equipped with skills that match the requirements in the job market as this is the only way to make it easier for them to get jobs right away after they graduate.  Rather than proclaiming complicated proposals filled with lofty jargons, all our administration has to do is to take a deep, hard look. The solution is simple and requires nothing more than sincere and dedicated effort on their part.

    Our country has always surfaced from problems. We will continue to do so provided we get the right support from the administration.


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