
Chinese V (Regular): Chinese Cultures & Society >> Content Detail



Course Description

This course is the continuation of 21F104/108. It is designed to further help students develop sophisticated conversational, reading and writing skills by combining traditional textbook material with their own explorations of Chinese speaking societies, using the human, literary, and electronic resources available at MIT and in the Boston area. Some of special features of Chinese society, its culture, its customs and habits, its history, and the psychology of its people will be introduced. The class consists of reading, discussion, composition, network exploration, and conversational practice. The course is conducted in Mandarin.

Final Grade

Evaluation will be based on class performance, homework, bi-weekly quizzes, a midterm, portfolio, end-term presentation, and a final project.

  • Class performance (15 points), which includes
    1. class attendance (5 points)
    2. class preparation (5 points)
    3. class participation (5 points)
  • Assigned homework (10 points)
  • Portfolio (10 points)
  • By-weekly quizzes (20 points)
  • Mid-term (20 points)
  • Final project (15 points)
  • End-term presentation (10 points)

above 94=A
Below 59=F

  • Factors involved in the CLASS GRADE include being on time and prepared, completing written assignments carefully and on time, and participating enthusiastically in class activities. Other factors may come in to play, e.g.: improvement versus deterioration over the course of the semester, and progress relative to starting level.
  • No make-up quizzes, mid-term, and final unless you have permission from the teacher beforehand. If you are sick or unable to attend class because of unexpected situations, you should telephone the teacher at his office, leave a message or email him.
  • Homework handed in late will be corrected but receive no credit.
  • Attendance in this class is extremely important. If you are absent three times without permission from your teacher, your final grade will be reduced by one whole step (e.g.: B to C).


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