
Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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The following course notes were written by Dr. Roger Mark. These serve as the primary reading material for this course. Any references referred to within each set of notes are listed at the end of the file.

Listed below are also relevant sections from the course textbook: Amazon logo Costanzo, Linda S. Physiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders, 2002. ISBN: 9780721695495.

Lec 1Introduction and Case Presentation(PDF)
Lec 2-4Lecture 2

Cardiovascular Physiology 1: Models of the Peripheral Circulation

Lecture 3

Cardiovascular Physiology 2: The Heart as a Pump

Lecture 4

Cardiovascular Physiology 3: Modeling the Intact System
Introduction: The Functional Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System (PDF)

Cardiovascular Mechanics I, II, III (PDF - 1.9 MB)

Costanzo, pp. 101-115, 126-139, 139-144.
Lec 5-6Lecture 5

Cardiovascular Physiology 4: Electrophysiology of Myocardial Cells

Lecture 6

Cardiovascular Physiology 5: The Physical Basis of Electrocardiography

Costanzo, pp. 115-126.
Lec 7Cardiovascular Physiology 6: Clinical Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias(PDF - 1.6 MB)
Lec 8-9Cardiovascular Physiology 7: Control and Integration in the Cardiovascular System(PDF - 1.9 MB)

Costanzo, pp. 144-166.

Lec 10-14

Physiological Fluid Mechanics(PDF)
Lec 15-19Respiratory Physiology
Lec 20-23Renal Physiology(PDF - 1.5 MB)

Costanzo, chapters 6, 7.
Lec 24-25Case Study - Integration


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