
Genetics >> Content Detail



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There are no assigned readings for this class although we recommend the following textbook as a valuable reference.

Amazon logo Griffiths, Anthony J. F., Jeffrey H. Miller, David T. Suzuki, Richard C. Lewontin, and William M. Gelbart. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 7th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2000. ISBN: 9780716735205.

Check out the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), PubMed, Web site for an online version of this textbook.

Assignments and Exams

There are six graded problem sets for this course. Students may collaborate with classmates on the problem sets, but copying problem set solutions is not permitted. Any student that copies another problem set or allows their problem set to be copied will be assigned a 0 for that problem set.

There are three one-hour exams. The exams will be closed book, but students may bring one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of notes to the exam. In addition to the exams, there will also be a final during exam week. The final will be comprehensive and will cover material from the entire course with an emphasis on material from lectures 31-36 not covered by an hour exam.


Quiz I100
Quiz II100
Quiz III100
Six Problem Sets120


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