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Course Info

  • Course Number / Code:
  • HST.541J (Fall 2004) 
  • Course Title:
  • Quantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues 
  • Course Level:
  • Undergraduate 
  • Offered by :
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    Massachusetts, United States  
  • Department:
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Course Instructor(s):
  • Prof. Dennis Freeman 
  • Course Introduction:

  • 6.021J / 2.791J / 2.794J / 6.521J / 20.370J / 20.470J / HST.541J Quantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues

    Fall 2004

    Course Highlights

    This course features a detailed set of assignments, as well as comprehensive descriptions of projects and useful tools.

    Course Description

    In this subject, we consider two basic topics in cellular biophysics, posed here as questions:
    1. Which molecules are transported across cellular membranes, and what are the mechanisms of transport? How do cells maintain their compositions, volume, and membrane potential?
    2. How are potentials generated across the membranes of cells? What do these potentials do?

    Although the questions posed are fundamentally biological questions, the methods for answering these questions are inherently multidisciplinary. As we will see throughout the course, the role of mathematical models is to express concepts precisely enough that precise conclusions can be drawn. In connection with all the topics covered, we will consider both theory and experiment. For the student, the educational value of examining the interplay between theory and experiment transcends the value of the specific knowledge gained in the subject matter.

    This course is jointly offered through four departments, available to both undergraduates and graduates.

    Technical Requirements

    MATLAB® software is required to run the .m files found on this course site.


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