
Mechanics and Materials II >> Content Detail



Microsoft® Excel software is recommended for viewing the .xls files in this section. Free Microsoft® Excel viewer software can also be used to view the .xls files. MATLAB® software is required to run the .m files in this section.

4Lab 1: Elastic Behavior in Tension, Bending, Buckling, and Vibration

Handout (PDF)

Data Sheet 1 (PDF)

Data Sheet 2 (PDF)

Data Sheet 3 (PDF)
7Lab 2: Rate- and Time-dependent Deformation of Polymers

Handout (PDF)

Hysteresis Data (XLS - 1.3 MB)

Stress Relaxation Data (XLS)
10Lab 3: Sheet Metal Forming: Elastic-plastic Beam Bending

Handout (PDF)
13Lab 4: Isotropic Linear Elastic Stress Concentration

Handout (PDF)

Plot (M)

Draw (M)

PDE Tool (M)
16Lab 5: Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Steels

Handout (PDF)

Tensile Test Data (XLS)

Hardness and Charpy Test Data (PDF)

Additional Data (XLS)
21Lab 6: Project 1

List 1 (PDF)

List 2 (PDF)
24Lab 7: Fracture Toughness and Residual Load-carrying Capacity of a Structure

Handout (PDF)
27Lab 8: Project 2
31Lab 9: Project 3
34Lab 10: Project Presentations
37Lab 11: Course Review (Optional)


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