
Mechanics and Materials II >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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Elasticity and Solid Mechanics
1Course Outline

Material Behavior under Uniaxial Loading

Displacement and Strain

Stress and Equilibrium

2Applications: Beam Bending, Buckling and Vibration(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)
3Mechanisms of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity
4Lab 1: Beam Bending, Buckling and Vibration
53-D Linear Thermo-elasticity: Strain-displacement, Stress-strain-temperature, and Stress-equilibrium (PDF)
6Simple States of Elastic Stress, Strain, and Displacement 
7Lab 2: Engineering Polymers: Viscoelasticity, Strength, and Ductility
8Limits to Elasticity: Strength and Multi­-axial Yield Condition

Boundary Conditions and Boundary Value Problems
9Elasticity of Composite Materials
10Lab 3: Stress Concentration
Plasticity and Creep
11Uniaxial Elastic­-plastic Behavior
Elastic-­plastic Beam­-bending
12Ideal Shear Strength

13Lab 4: Sheet Bending
14Strengthening Mechanisms
Strain Hardening
15Limit Analysis(PDF)
16Lab 5: Heat Treatment
17Applications of Limit Analysis
18Quiz I
19High­-temperature Deformation: Creep and Stress Relaxation(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

(PDF 3)
20High-temperature Deformation Mechanisms

Resisting Creep
21Lab 6: Project 1
22Ideal Cleavage Strength

Stress Concentration and Cracks 
23Crack-tip Stress Intensity Factors
Critical Stress Intensity 
24Lab 7: Fracture Toughness
25Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) (PDF)
26Applications of LEFM(PDF)
27Lab 8: Project 2
28Fatigue Crack Propagation
Defect-tolerant Fatigue Design and Maintenance 
29Defect-free Fatigue Design: High-­cycle Fatigue (PDF)
30Defect­-free Fatigue Design: Low-cycle Fatigue (PDF)
31Lab 9: Project 3
32Applications: Strain-amplitude/Fatigue-life Behavior

Notch Effects in High-cycle Fatigue
Supporting Files

lec23_monocyclicro.m (M)

lec23_notchfatigue.m (M)

lec23_strainlife.m (M)
33Quiz II 
34Lab 10: Project Presentations
Material Selection for Design
35Principles for Material Selection: Performance, Properties, and Constraints

Material Indices of Merit
37Lab 11: Course Review (Optional)
38Final Exam


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